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Online System Support
Pilot test - This is currently in review and some articles may be uncomplete for the time being.
FA Learning Support
I am unable to launch an online course; what should I do?
How do I disable my pop-ups?
How do I save my progress on a module so I can return to complete it another time?
How do I complete the post-course questionnaire on a course?
I have completed a module however my progress has not saved – why not?
View all (20)
Microsoft Teams technical help
What is Microsoft Teams and why would I use it?
How do I create a Microsoft Teams Account?
How do I join my Virtual Classroom in Microsoft Teams?
Which browsers are supported?
How do I log out of Microsoft Teams?
View all (12)
Big Marker technical help
I can’t get into the webinar. What should I do?
I'm Getting a "Connection Can't Be Established" Screen.
I failed the internet speed test. Now what do I do?
My microphone doesn't work.
I have no sound and can't hear the presenters.
View all (7)
The FA Community
What is the England football community?
What are some features of the coaching community?
Why am I having trouble logging into the community?
Hive Learning
Why has The FA closed its communities on Hive Learning?