How do I know if I have a FAN or how do I create a FAN?

The first step is to check whether you have a FAN in existence. 

Please click the following link to check.  

If you do have a FAN in existence, you will be sent an email with your FAN included, please make a note of this. 

Once you have a FAN you can then log in to our FA Learning Website with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, then please click forgotten password. 

If you do not have a FAN go to and select the ‘sign up’ option 



Follow the instructions and input your details to create a FAN 

If you encounter any issues, this may be because you already have an account set up with the email address. In this case, you can select the ‘forgotten password’ option to reset your password and use your pre-existing FAN. 

Alternatively, you can contact our FA Education Services team by submitting a ticket here and they will assist in getting you access to your FAN.