On the 1st of the month of the webinar dates you are booked onto; the course introduction will become available. Once this has been completed you will be able to unlock the content for the upcoming weeks and review this prior to your webinars. E-Learning for each week will unlock at the start of each week.
The Introduction to Coaching Football Course can be viewed here: https://falearning.thefa.com/totara/program/view.php?id=466&viewtype=program
The 1st module you will need to complete is the Introduction which includes a pre-course questionnaire, and this can be accessed here from the 1st of the month: https://falearning.thefa.com/course/view.php?id=1987
You need to complete this before moving on to the first week's e-learning modules.
Week 1 modules unlock on the 1st of the month, these are:
- Online Learning - Engaging players can be accessed here: https://falearning.thefa.com/course/view.php?id=1992
Module 1 - How to behave as a coach
Module 2 - Introduction to disability in football
- Webinar
Week 2 modules unlock on the 7th of the month, these are:
- Online Learning - Learning about Football can be accessed here: https://falearning.thefa.com/course/view.php?id=1992
Module 1 - How to build a session
Module 2 - How to adapt a session
- Webinar
Week 3 modules unlock on the 14th of the month, these are:
- Online Learning - Matchday can be accessed here: https://falearning.thefa.com/course/view.php?id=1994
Module 1 - Respect
- Webinar
Week 4 module unlocks on the 21st of the month:
- Introduction to Coaching Football final assessment can be accessed here: https://falearning.thefa.com/course/view.php?id=1995
Final Assessment
Post Course Questionnaire
Once all online learning has been completed, please allow up to one hour for your certificate to be available to view and download. The completed course will show on your FAN within 24 hours.
Webinar links will be sent to you 72 hours prior to the webinar starting. Please see below the 3 webinar broadcasts and what to expect.