Why was I unsuccessful in my UEFA B Application?

Providing you met all of the relevant pre-requisites, when reviewing your application against others in your area, we found that some of the answers you provided were not as thorough or detailed as other candidates. We review every application to assess suitability, and this lack of detail meant that it was much harder to assess whether the UEFA B course is currently suitable for you, in comparison with other applicants.

Should you decide to reapply in the future, we strongly recommend you include as much detail as possible to support your application so that we can fully understand your experience, attributes and suitability for our courses.

We have prioritised applications based on the following criteria: -

  • Must be coaching 11V11 or 9V9 and 11v11 is prioritised.
  • Have attend FA CPD during the season and we prioritised those learners that had done more hours.