To complete the final assessment, you must have completed all prior learning activities and hold both an in-date Introduction to First Aid in Football and Safeguarding Children Course.
The final assessment will only be available after the 21st of the month (Start of week 4) your course began.
If you have recently completed another module, it may also take 20-30 minutes to register the completion.
The Introduction to Coaching Football Course can be viewed here
The 1st module you will need to complete is the Introduction and this can be access here
You need to complete this before any other modules unlock. A module is complete when the icon becomes a tic as shown below:
The week 1 modules that are required are the introduction to disability football and respect modules.
Introduction to Disability Football can be accessed here
Respect can be accessed here
Once these courses have been completed, and it's at least the 21st of the month you began your course, the final assessment will be unlocked and you can complete this here.