I am recognised as an Allied Health Care Professional and have completed relevant training as per your guidance, how do I get this added to my FAN?

In order to use your professional training as an alternative, you must have previously completed the equivalent level FA first aid training. For most people this will be The FA Emergency Aid – now known as The FA Level 1 Introduction to First Aid in Football (IFAiF).

If you have previously completed FA first aid training then you will need to complete The FA Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Concussion online modules. Once you have completed these click here to submit this to us - select FA Education from the Topic drop-down and add non-FA medical course certificate as the subject. Attach evidence of your professional qualification, registration and relevant training and current practice (check here for what you will need to submit). Ensure you include your name and FAN too. 

The team at FA Education will then check for completion of FA first aid training and completion of the two online modules and as long as these can be verified, your first aid training will be added to your FAN.